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Volcanic & Organic
Wines and Olive Oils

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Encomienda De Cervera

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About us

Encomienda De Cervera

Fachada de Encomienda de Cervera

In the heart ✨ of the Campo de Calatrava Volcanic Massif at an altitude between 750 and 850 meters above sea level, in the term of the noble and cultural city of Almagro, delimited by the Sierra de Arzollar, the Cañada Real Soriana, between valleys and mountains with a great density of holm oaks and junipers, rosemary, thyme, etc., is the Finca Encomienda de Cervera, where you can distinguish the black earths of volcanic origin, the red ones (Almagre) that, according to some historians, give name to the city of Almagro, the limestone and stony ones.


All this, under the watchful eye of the Maar de la Hoya de Cervera Volcano, declared a Natural Monument in 1999, and the calm waters of one of the main tributaries of the Guadiana River, the Jabalón River.

The rugged orography, which shapes its three rainwater basins, offers a peculiar microclimate, with cool nights that compensates for the daytime insolation.

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What do our customers say?
“"A winery of a dream, the visit was great, the friendliest staff and the tasting to repeat.” 

- Seen in GOOGLE -

Three centuries of history

Encomienda de Cervera has its origin in an estate owned by the Counts of Valdeparaiso, to which King Felipe V granted the title of Encomienda in 1741, and the right to close it. These concessions and privileges were ratified by King Ferdinand VI in 1748, and again by King Carlos III in 1758.

The 950-hectares property, located in the municipality of Almagro, on the banks of the Jabalón River, consists of three valleys surrounded by the volcanic massif of "Campo de Calatrava", made up of several Strombolian volcanoes 🌋 including the Maar de Cervera, classified as a national monument since 1999.

There is evidence that, in 1741, the Estate had a Residential House, an olive grove made up of 300 olive trees as well as a vineyard of over 23.000 vines. In 1887, the olive grove had 1.775 olive trees as well as a mill with a press to make olive oil, and since 1927, the estate also has a cellar for winemaking.

Currently, Encomienda de Cervera is an Organic Estate with a special dedication to producing high-quality extra virgin wines and oils made in the Winery and Oil Mill installed on the estate, exclusively using grapes and olives produced on our plantations, with a Comprehensive Quality System that meets the requirements of Wine and Olive Payment.

Vista panorámica desde la cabaña de Encomienda de Cervera
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